Upcoming Sessions for the Winter of 2022

Keith Lefthand on Minnie with guests at his family ranch. Photo by Jeff Nelson.

Keith and I took a bit of a breather over the Christmas season and January but we are now ready to offer a suite of events and courses. We hope that these will be of interest and value.

Survey Results

2022-01-02 Survey by Weasel Tail Enterprises. 41 people responded.

Early in January, we sent out a survey asking people what events and activities were of most interest. Here are the results for the question which read: “From this list which activities would be of interest to you in 2022?”

Many of the participants enjoyed the Discussions with Keith in the tipi. These will continue to be a part of most of the events and courses that we offer.

We have added a few sessions on Story Telling. Keith has a contact that tells wonderful stories about Indigenous mythology, history and traditions.

We had one session on Drumming but there is a strong interest in more. As a result, we have added a drum-making session.

Jamie’s Cooking was very well received. I’m sure I gained a pound after each meal. She and others will continue to include fried bread, Indian tacos, and chilli dogs as part of future sessions.

Hiking was a popular activity. Of course, it is now winter so we are offering Snowshoeing and off-trail XC skiing. That is assuming there is snow. The Calgary Skiing Club came out in November and there was no snow, so we went hiking instead - to no one’s disappointment.

Keith Lefthand and Wayne Wesley skinning an elk at Keith’s ranch. Photo by Jeff Nelson.

As many of you noticed, most of the regalia that Keith has collected encompasses Beadwork. Almost 1/2 of the people who responded to the survey were interested in learning more about beading. So we have added a course on beading.

Many people would like to experience a Sweat Lodge. This opportunity is coming but not just yet. Because of the spiritual and traditional nature, this type of experience is sacred. Keith is still working out the details of how and when to offer time with an elder in a sweat lodge. More to come on this later.

Keith and Jamie are very interested in sharing what they know about Meat Cutting, meat drying and the art of making pemmican. I can’t wait.


Learning the Stoney Nakoda Language


Helping Bonnie Cut Poles and Set Up Her Tipi